This is my favourite app for bookmarking content for read it later – Pocket
- It is cross-platforms – Andoid, iOS, All web (Mac or Window)
- You can add bookmark from any apps especially from Clipboard
- You can SEARCH and find the article easily
- It has a thumbnail for quick preview and browsing of content
- It has a build in browser which you can read quite comfortably
- Web Browser (Safari iOS/ Chrome Android/ any browser)
- EMAIL it to “”
- Note: to ease usage, save ”” as a contact
- Any where in the smartphone, copy the website link (e.g. Whatsapp)
- Open Pocket > A message will pop-up automatically to ask if you wish to add the Copied Link to Pocket
- Sign-in Pocket in the Flipboard setting page
- You can then save any article directly into Pocket