What to define as flooded by ads?
- Ads is monetization approach of internet services. I fully respect and appreciate ads as that is how internet services are funded…
COVID-19 stay at home period, Amount of ads surged to crazy amount
- Facebook (2 ads in 6 posts, 33%)
- YouTube (two continuous long ads & then another ads < 5 min - we are not talking about pop-up banner or 30 sec ads here)
- My 5 years old son’s gaming phone shows gambling element and adult sexualized game ads.
Ads feedback on Facebook and YouTube does not change ads served even though send feedback i am not interested.
- Example Kickstarter OYO NOVA which is a damn long ads. Still getting the same ads
What can be done to make experience a bit better?
- There is no perfect solution unless you do not use internet at all.
- There is no single product solution
It is always cat and mouse game. No one time, ads free for life solution.
- YouTube and Facebook serve ads via their own content domain, blocking these domains will block content consumption too.
What I find helpful for my usage experience?
- I have tried out some and these are some tips for anyone looking for read-up info.
- The context of Ads Blocking is a combination of blocking ads serve message & hide from our eyes.
Note: App like Pi-hole can use very stringent blocking list to block out all ads
- BUT you need to have time & interest to continue update the Whitelist as some website will be block as well.
Light version of block list is decent enough
- Table for reference:
What are some high level guidelines for setup?
- There are several ways you can setup.
Below will be mainly my setup focus. - Router need to have capability too set DNS
- Mine is Asus router running Asuswrt-Merlin firmware
- DNS of pi-hole can be set at either WAN internet connection’s DNS or LAN DCHP server’s DNS (or both) - i set on WAN only
- Pi-hole can run on many system, commonly:
- Raspberry Pi (recommend at least Pi 3+)
- Server supporting Portainer & Docker (my setup)
- Some files for my own documentation.
- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bRS2oqAWK3D5KXDB5ZlmdjCdgtwiP6i3
- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tZcNIc_mWJNJZp7eXqgbWPX_dQVML81k
Other information:
- Above setup are home wifi setup focus.
If you use mobile browser a lot while out of home (using 4G/ 5G), there are two options to leverage pi-hole:
- PiVPN back to your pi-hole at home
Pi-hole on Google cloud computing (important to selected dedicated few US location to get free 1GB usage per year)
- VPN options as such subject to some lagging and battery consumption too.
- Tried VPN block list app i.e. Blokada.. doesnt feel effective from quick test and seems to be pay tier.