How to Batch Convert Credit Card Statement PDF to Excel

Note: due to pdfplumber imperfection in detecting blank cells. You do need to cut and align the date and value columns with the text labels.


Before proceeding, ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Python (latest version)
  • pdfplumber Python library
  • PowerShell or Command Prompt

Step 1: Install Python

  1. Open PowerShell or Command Prompt.
  2. Download and install Python:
    • Visit Python’s official website and download the latest version.
    • Run the installer and ensure you select “Add Python to PATH” before clicking Install Now.
  3. Verify installation by running:
    python --version

Step 2: Install pdfplumber

  1. Open PowerShell or Command Prompt.
  2. Install pdfplumber using pip:
    pip install pdfplumber pandas openpyxl

Step 3: Prepare PDF Files

  1. Place the PDF files you want to convert in the Downloads folder.
    • Example path: C:\Users\YourUsername\Downloads\A

Step 4: Run the Script to Convert PDF to Excel

  1. Open Notepad and paste the following Python script: (Remember update folder path & password if any) ```import pdfplumber import pandas as pd import os

    # Folder containing PDFs & file password if any pdf_folder = r”C:\Users\YourUsername\Downloads\A” password = “xxxx”

    # Get all PDF files in the folder pdf_files = [f for f in os.listdir(pdf_folder) if f.lower().endswith(“.pdf”)]

    for pdf_file in pdf_files: pdf_path = os.path.join(pdf_folder, pdf_file) output_file = os.path.join(pdf_folder, pdf_file.replace(“.pdf”, “.xlsx”))

       data = []
       max_columns = 0  # Track max columns for consistency
           with, password=password) as pdf:
               print(f"✅ Opened PDF: {pdf_path} ({len(pdf.pages)} pages detected)")
               for page_number, page in enumerate(pdf.pages, start=1):
                   print(f"🔹 Processing Page {page_number}")
                   tables = page.extract_tables()
                   if not tables:
                       print(f"⚠️ No structured table found on Page {page_number}, trying text extraction...")
                       page_text = page.extract_text()
                       if page_text:
                           tables = [page_text.split("\n")]  # Treat raw text lines as table rows
                   if tables:
                       print(f"✅ {len(tables)} table(s) found on Page {page_number}")
                       for table in tables:
                           for row in table:
                               if row is None:
                                   empty_row = [""] * max_columns if max_columns > 0 else [""]
                               while len(row) < max_columns:
                               split_rows = []
                               row_max_lines = 1
                               for cell in row:
                                   if cell:
                                       lines = cell.strip().split("\n")
                                       row_max_lines = max(row_max_lines, len(lines))
                               for i in range(row_max_lines):
                                   new_row = [col[i] if i < len(col) else "" for col in split_rows]
                               max_columns = max(max_columns, len(row))
       except Exception as e:
           print(f"❌ Failed to process {pdf_file}: {e}")
       for i in range(len(data)):
           while len(data[i]) < max_columns:
       df = pd.DataFrame(data)
       df.columns = [f"Column {i+1}" for i in range(max_columns)]
       df.to_excel(output_file, index=False)
       print(f"✅ Conversion done! Excel file saved at: {output_file}") ```
  2. Save the file as in the Downloads\A folder.
  3. Open PowerShell or Command Prompt and navigate to Downloads\A:
    cd %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\A
  4. Run the script:

Step 5: Check the Output

  • The converted Excel files will be saved in the Downloads folder.
  • Open the .xlsx file using Excel to verify the extracted data.


  • If Python is not recognized, restart your computer or reinstall Python ensuring “Add Python to PATH” is selected.
  • If pdfplumber is missing, try reinstalling it with:
    pip install --upgrade pdfplumber pandas openpyxl
  • If the script doesn’t work for your PDFs, some documents may have embedded images instead of selectable text.

By following these steps, you can efficiently extract tables from PDFs into Excel using PowerShell or Command Prompt with Python.

Step 6: Combine all excels into a single excel file

  1. Open Notepad and paste the following Python script:
    import pandas as pd
    import os
    input_folder = os.path.expanduser("~/Downloads/A")
    output_file = os.path.join(input_folder, "combined.xlsx")
    all_data = []
    for file in os.listdir(input_folder):
        if file.endswith(".xlsx") and file != "combined.xlsx":
            file_path = os.path.join(input_folder, file)
            df = pd.read_excel(file_path, sheet_name=0)
    combined_df = pd.concat(all_data, ignore_index=True)
    combined_df.to_excel(output_file, index=False)
    print(f"All Excel files combined into {output_file} successfully!")
  2. Save the file as in the Downloads folder.
  3. Open PowerShell or Command Prompt and navigate to Downloads:
    cd %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\A
  4. Run the script:

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